An easy guide into assembling a nano nature aquarium cube April 25, 2017 anubias aqua one Aquascaping bacopa cryptocoryne hemianthus hygrophila java fern jbl proscape lobelia mopani moss nano Nature aquarium planted plants wood +
The biotope aquarium and the biotope style aquascaping April 20, 2017 African cichlids Aquarium Aquascaping biotope blackwater botanicals fishkeeping lakes rocks south American styles tanganyikan water chemistry wood +
Aquarium Literature - Review of "Sunken Gardens" by Karen Randall April 12, 2017 aquarium plants Aquascaping aquatic gardening books Dutch aquarium Filtration freshwater Iwagumi jungle style aquarium Karen Randall Nature aquarium planted aquariums Sunken Gardens tropical fish +
Importance of Flow in a Planted tank April 07, 2017 Algae Aquarium balance Aquarium cycle aquarium flow Aquascaping aquatic plants canister filter Co2 Filtration HOB Light Nutrients Planted aquarium water flow +
The Dutch sytle aquascape April 05, 2017 aquarium plants Aquascaping aquascaping styles aquatic gardening Dutch aquarium fish freshwater Planted aquarium +